maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #035: Noel Rousseau-Smith

Name: Noel Adrian Rousseau-Smith (based on Noel Ruusuvuori, an old character)
Date of birth: 25 April 1998
Age: 21
Height: 171cm
Nationality: French-English
Hometown: Tours, France (moved to Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales when 8)
Languages: English, French
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Hair colour: Light brown
Skin colour: Pale
Distinctive features: A quote-tattoo on near collar bones
Personality in a few words: A closed-up and lonely boy who tries to be what he isn't.
Family: Christina Rousseau (mother), Jerry Smith (father), Jonathan Rousseau-Smith (older brother)
Issues: EDNOS, very religious and homophobic father

Detailed information

Favourite music: The Wombats, The Strokes, The Bravery
Favourite movies: The Incredibles, Léon: The Professional, North by Northwest
Favourite TV series: Chernobyl, Breaking Bad, Blue Planet II
Favourite foods: Coq au vin, fried rice, turkey
Hobby: Cheerleading, chess

Character history


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