maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #034: Jannis Pomeroy

Name: Jannis Alexander Pomeroy (based on Jannis Pohjantähti, an old character)
Date of birth: 15 February 1998
Age: 21
Height: 188cm
Nationality: Norwegian-English
Hometown: Oslo, Norway (moved to Burford, Oxfordshire, England when 5)
Languages: English, Norwegian
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Brown
Skin colour: Light
Distinctive features: Thick-framed glasses
Personality in a few words: A well-meaning but easily led boy who tries not to be a pushover.
Family: Kristine Pomeroy (mother), Dennis Pomeroy (father)
Issues: Primary hypersomnia

Detailed information

Favourite music: Perfume, Arashi, Babymetal
Favourite movies: Rain Man, The Hangover, Iron Man
Favourite TV series: Planet Earth II, Planet Earth, Band of Brothers
Favourite foods: Meatballs, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake
Hobby: Pool, snooker

Character history


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