maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #027: Oliver Delacruz

Name: Oliver Leslie Delacruz (based on an old character with the same name)
Date of birth: 1 October 1998
Age: 20
Height: 165cm
Nationality: New Zealander
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand
Languages: English
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Blond
Skin colour: Tan
Distinctive features: A scar (not very visible) on left cheek
Personality in a few words: A loud and proud hyperactive boy who is very social and never gives up.
Family: Teresa Delacruz (mother; deceased), George Delacruz (father; deceased)
Issues: ADD, agoraphobia

Detailed information

Favourite music: The Beatles, Fall Out Boy, The Rolling Stones
Favourite movies: Catch Me If You Can, The Sound of Music, Batman Begins
Favourite TV series: In Living Color, The Fugitive, Dallas
Favourite foods: Fish and chips, raspberries, crepes
Hobby: Jogging, ice skating

Character history


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