maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #018: Mirata Glassford

Name: Mirata Hope Glassford (based on an old character with the same name)
Date of birth: 9 November 1998
Age: 20
Height: 171cm
Nationality: English-Italian
Hometown: Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom (born in Rome, Italy)
Languages: English, Italian
Eye colour: Light blue
Hair colour: Red
Skin colour: Tan
Distinctive features: Freckles, thick-framed glasses
Personality in a few words: A loud and hyperactive enthusiast who never stays in one place.
Family: Tina Glassford (mother), Giovanni Glassford (father)
Issues: ADD

Detailed information

Favourite music: Joy Division, The Cure, Talking Heads
Favourite movies: The Green Mile, A Clockwork Orange, No Country for Old Men
Favourite TV series: The Colbert Report, The Bob Newhart Show, The Muppet Show
Favourite foods: Caprese salad, burritos, grapes
Hobby: Fishing, embroidery

Character history


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