maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #029: James Meadows

Name: James Milan Meadows (based on an old character with the same name)
Date of birth: 6 December 1998
Age: 20
Height: 176cm
Nationality: Scottish
Hometown: Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Languages: English
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Blond with pink (dyed)
Skin colour: Light
Distinctive features: A small tribal tattoo on right shoulder
Personality in a few words: A kind and caring boy who isn't afraid to voice his opinions.
Family: Shawn Meadows (father), Heather Meadows (mother)
Issues: Was previously bullied, is in recovery from an accident

Detailed information

Favourite music: Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, Damien Rice
Favourite movies: Apollo 13, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Unforgiven
Favourite TV series: The Real World, Good Times, Doctor Who
Favourite foods: Cullen skink, mozzarella sticks, crisps and salsa
Hobby: Sailing, tai chi

Character history


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