maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #028: Jack Valencia

Name: Jack Andrew Valencia (based on an old character with the same name)
Date of birth: 27 July 1998
Age: 21
Height: 176cm
Nationality: Irish
Hometown: Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Languages: English
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair colour: Black
Skin colour: Pale
Distinctive features: Multiple scars around body, a tattoo of a dog's paw print on back
Personality in a few words: A quiet and rather antisocial boy who is seemingly very cold-hearted.
Family: Linda Valencia (mother; deceased), Craig Valencia (father; deceased), Larry Valencia (older brother; deceased)
Issues: Antisocial personality disorder

Detailed information

Favourite music: Johnny Cash, My Chemical Romance, The White Stripes
Favourite movies: The Breakfast Club, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chinatown
Favourite TV series: The Jeffersons, House of Cards, Real Time with Bill Maher
Favourite foods: Stew, fish and chips, vanilla ice cream
Hobby: Roller skating, mountain biking

Character history


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