maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

FILE #019: Dorian Macmillan

Name: Dorian Aloysius Macmillan (based on an old character with the same name)
Date of birth: 3 July 1997
Age: 22
Height: 188cm
Nationality: Scottish
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Languages: English
Eye colour: Amber
Hair colour: Dyed half black, half blond
Skin colour: Paleish
Distinctive features: Sharp canines, ears pierced all over, canine bites, arms and back covered in tattoos
Personality in a few words: A confident and flirty bad boy with a troubled past.
Family: Cynthia Macmillan (mother), Jason Macmillan (father), Pamela Macmillan (older sister), Sandra Macmillan (older sister)
Issues: Raped at 13, narcissistic personality disorder, substance abuse

Detailed information

Favourite music: Boards of Canada, Sigur Rós, God Is An Astronaut
Favourite movies: Gone with the Wind, The Lion King, Slumdog Millionaire
Favourite TV series: Six Feet Under, 24, Fawlty Towers
Favourite foods: Steak kidney pie, pancakes, potatoes
Hobby: Playing the guitar, origami

Character history


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