sunnuntai 30. syyskuuta 2018

FILE #012: Reinhold ''Renny'' Blum

Name: Reinhold Wilhelm Blum ''Renny'' (based on Rekku Blomqvist, an old character)
Date of birth: 12 January 1998
Age: 21
Height: 174cm
Nationality: English-German
Hometown: Liverpool, Merseyside, England, United Kingdom (born in Berlin, Germany)
Languages: English, German
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Skin colour: Tan
Distinctive features: 4 studs in each ear, very sharp canines
Personality in a few words: A hyperactive loudmouth who is very social and loves dogs and food.
Family: Timothy Blum (father), Karen Blum (mother), Christine Blum (younger sister)
Issues: Bulimia, ADHD

Detailed information

Favourite music: R.E.M., The Smiths, The Byrds
Favourite movies: Alien, Blade Runner, Rocky
Favourite TV series: 30 Rock, My So-Called Life, Law & Order
Favourite foods: Double french onion burger, lasagne, watermelon
Hobby: Knitting, blogging

Character history


The creative process

I know, I know, I haven't written this segment for Mary or Nettie yet, but I wanted to move to a different universe and I've always felt more natural writing male characters, for some reason. Don't ask me why. Okay, onto Renny. He's based on a character called Reko ''Rekku'' Blomqvist (his nickname is a word Finnish people sometime use to refer to dogs and it's a very basic dog name as well), who was a part of a universe called Neljän seinän sisällä (which roughly translates to Inside Four Walls). It was the second universe we created and the name came from the fact that the characters attended a boarding school and lived in a dormitory together, despite being around 14-15 at the time. Back when Sunset Bay was still Sky Open Wide, the characters of Renny, Christian, Newt, Johnny and Lachlan had their own concept, which was very originally and creatively called Inside These Walls. It was slightly inspired by Misfits, and featured the guys attending a boarding school of sorts (as a nod to the original universe) while on community service for different crimes they'd committed. Don't ask me how that's possible, my universes sometimes work in magical ways above all laws of physics and whatnots. In this universe, Renny had been falsely accused of manslaughter, even though he had nothing to do with it. I think he might've been the only character who actually was innocent, while the others were guilty of their crimes. Oh, also, the first remade version of him was actually named Rex. I changed it to Renny because I preferred the way it sounded.
   I think out of all my characters, Renny is the one who truly hasn't changed at all. And I created him when I was something close to 14. He's always been the same loud, hyperactive and talkative guy who's overly sunny and scaring introverts away with his super social disposition. I've also always imagined him having a slightly perverted sense of humour. Where that came from, I'm afraid I cannot say. It's just always been that way. He's definitely kind of tactless and might come across as slightly insensitive, but not in a malicious way. If he does something that's uncool (for the lack of a better word), it's not because he means to be a dick, it's just him being himself. He's always been a very dog-like person. I've always seen him as someone who, if they were a dog, would always be wagging his tail.
   Renny has always also looked the same. Kinda down to earth, with brown hair and brown eyes, with very sharp canines in a true dog-style manner. This is probably the reason why I don't have a lot to say about his appearance, it's always been the same. I guess he's probably one of the most basic-looking children of mine, but that's just the way I've always seen him. For some reason, despite his hyperactive personality, the mysterious scars and markings have completely avoided him. When I think of Renny, and what he'd look like if he was a real person, I see this mischievous-looking teenager with a messy mop of hair and a slightly crooked smile, a certain special kind of sparkle in his eyes. The only thing that changed about his appearance (is height even considered to be a part of someone's appearance?) is his height. He used to be shorter, but for some reason I've imagined him as being taller and lankier much more than shorter. That is if you consider 174cm to be tall, as someone of my height would.
   Renny's had ADHD the moment he was created. It suited him, but it never served as his main storyline. It's just something that he's always had, but it's never taken centre stage with him. I guess it's because for him, it isn't that big of a deal, so as his mother and creator I don't feel like it's such a big deal for him either. I'd toyed with the idea of him being bulimic back when he was first created, but that thought only became a reality once I remade him. You see, he's always been like a dog in the sense that he loves food (it was a running gag in the original storyline that he sometimes ate dog food if there was nothing else left). I felt like that as a trait was good, but it needed something to make it deeper. For Renny, his ED doesn't really stem from any desire to be thin or to lose weight; it's a way to deal with stress for him, because he's not really the kind of person to talk about his worries and he'd rather brush them off than confront them (again with the self-inserts...). Renny's storyline differs from the other eating disorder storylines in the sense that in the beginning of the Sunset Bay-canon, he's mostly recovered, but he suffers from several relapses over the course of the story. I almost just now wrote series, and damn if it wouldn't be absolutely amazing to see the whole Sunset Bay-concept as a TV show.
   One of the biggest changes Renny had was his romantic relationships. In the original Neljän seinän sisällä-universe, he was dating a boy called Matias, who was a vegetarian swimmer, which created a nice little contrast in their... well, maybe not personalities, but lifestyles. I don't remember how they came to be a couple, but I remember liking their dynamic. It's a shame we never really got far enough in the universe to properly develop any of the couples to whatever heights they deserved to be developed to. When I remade him, I was initially going to create a very minor character as his love interest (simply because with Zach and Ernie both dating Justin, there wasn't any guys left over and by now you should've already realised that none of my children are straight. Actually, I should've mentioned this in Max's own post, but in the beginning of Sunset Bay, he had a girlfriend.), but I quickly gave up on that. What happened instead was Renny becoming aromantic. It's been quite interesting to write him, since I don't have any personal experience on that (I might've mentioned this in Zach's post, but the reason he became asexual was the fact that I myself am ace). I didn't have a character who was a player-type, sleeping around and stuff. Now, I realise that this is not what being aro is, but for him, with all the romantic relationships happening around him and him realising he's never going to feel that for anyone, it's kind of a way to compensate with the lack of romantic feelings. Trust me on this one; he's definitely done stuff with most of the other Sunset Bay-characters, before their respective relationships, of course. Also, I always imagined him having had a soft of a 'summer fling' with Christian, but ending it upon realising that Christian might've been starting to develop feelings. It's been a while since I've done this, which is probably why this became so long. And here I was thinking I probably wouldn't have much to say about Renny.

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