sunnuntai 30. syyskuuta 2018

FILE #001: Ronald ''Ronnie'' Taylor

Name: Ronald Ezekiel Taylor ''Ronnie'' (based on Roni Tarukannel, an old character)
Date of birth: 13 July 1998
Age: 21
Height: 173cm
Nationality: Canadian-Catalan
Hometown: Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Languages: English, Catalan, French
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair colour: Brown
Skin colour: Tan
Distinctive features: A lot of moles on face, a stud piercing on nose
Personality in a few words: A laid-back realist with a sense of justice and fierce loyalty.
Family: Jonathan ''Jonah'' Taylor (older brother), Michael ''Mike'' Taylor (father); Maria Taylor (mother; deceased)
Issues: Eating disorder, smoking

Detailed information

Favourite music: Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Arcade Fire
Favourite movies: The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars
Favourite TV series: The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad
Favourite foods: Poutine, pizza, ice cream
Hobby: Photography, baking

Character history


The creative process

The character Ronnie is based on, Roni Tarukannel, was basically my first ever proper character that I actually spent time on. He was created for a role play I had with my friend when we were 12, which means that I've basically had him around for 8 years or so. The first version of him was a sarcastic pre-teen who had a knack for technology and a bad memory. He ended up changing a lot; over the years, he became a realist who has a fierce sense of social justice and who is very loyal to his friends. He's always been laid-back, though. It's just the way I see him in my head. Appearance-wise, he's actually always been the same. Well, in the beginning his hair colour was a mix of light and dark brown and he was paler, but especially after I remade him, he became tanner. Bit by bit his storyline started forming and I knew what I wanted to do with him. He's always been one of my favourites out of all my characters, I know exactly what he'd be like if he was a real person.
   In his original universe (which includes the characters that Jake, Nathan, Rich, Dani, Max, Mary and Nettie are based on, as well as several others created by the friend I mentioned earlier) he was a part of a friend group consisting of 10 people. They were about 13 when we first started playing, and I think the last time I role played with him, he was 17 or 18. So he's basically grown up with me. Actually, I've always kept him and the others around, one way or another. The storyline of the original universe wasn't that complicated in the beginning; it was just a group of friends who went to school and dealt with things that kids that age normally deal with. If I remember correctly, his ''main'' storyline in the original universe was that he had a crush on Jake and everyone else knew that and his inability to act on his feelings was practically a running gag in the story.
    Later on, when Ronnie became more complex, I added things like the eating disorder (that was actually something that I somehow always envisioned) and the death of his mother. At this point, in the original universe, he had a complicated love life; he was together with Jake, who had been sleeping with Ronnie's best friend while Ronnie himself had something going on with a mutual friend. Yes, I know; the romances of the original universe got quite complicated at some point and we had to make them simpler because basically everyone was just cheating on each other. The last time we role played, Ronnie had broken up with Jake and Max was actually created as a love interest for him (he was already a part of Nathan's old group of friends to begin with, but I think he had a different name). Since I remade him to a different universe, he's ''back'' together with Jake, but out of respect for a rather strange storyline, I kept a short-lived relationship between Ronnie and Max.
   The idea of remaking my old characters actually stemmed from Ronnie and his gang of friends. Initially, I remade him, Jake, Nathan, Rich, Dani, Max, Zach, Justin, Ernie, Mary and Nettie for a universe where the characters had superpowers (the idea for that came after I finished playing Life Is Strange). Ronnie's power was time travelling. That was also where the concept of Sunset Bay started. In this universe, the characters one by one realised that they had superpowers and then eventually met up. At some point I gave up the powers and made them regular teenagers, combining many universes together and creating the final concept of Sunset Bay.
   Ronnie has been the way he is now for about 5 or 4 years, I think. The last time we role played with these characters he was already quite different from the first version and very close to the so called latest version that he is now. I've somehow always found him hard to explain, in a way. Maybe it's because I have such a clear image of what he'd be like that I can't put it into words. I might add something to this later on, possibly when I'm writing his character history, but for now, this shall be the end of it.

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